SBA Partners And Consultants
Our mission is to help small businesses succeed. That's why we partner with like-minded professional consultants, as well as national, regional, state, and local government agencies to support new entrepreneurs. We offer planning and management software, training, and other resources that benefit both agencies and small business owners.

We are proud of our longstanding partnership with the Association of Small Business Development Centers. We sponsor and attend the ASBDC annual conference, and we donate thousands of copies of our LivePlan business planning software to SBDC counselors. Our Start, Run, & Grow Your Business training is the first-ever ASBDC-certified curriculum. If you're interested in learning more about how you can use LivePlan in your ASBDC office, click here.

We also work with the Association of Women's Business Centers. If you are interested in using LivePLan in your AWBC office, learn more here.

We attend SCORE's annual Leadership Conference and provide planning resources and software to assist with SCORE's business planning and marketing workshops. For more information on how SCORE mentors can take advantage of the LivePlan consultants program, click here.
Programs for veteran entrepreneurs
For more information on how you can integrate LivePlan into programs that help veteran entrepreneurs, click here.
Many professional consultants are working to help entrepreneurs write traditional business plans, create strategic financial forecasts, validate their business ideas, create strategic plans for scaling and growing businesses, and more. If you're interested in learning more about how LivePlan can help you in your consulting business, click here.
Chambers of commerce
We provide planning resources and best practices for strategically managing small businesses for chamber members. For more information on how we can help at a local or state level, click here.

Alicia Chestnut
Interim Director,
Urban League of Metro St. Louis, WBC
Using LivePlan has allowed our participants to grasp a great understanding of all the sections in a business plan, as well as create a finished plan.

Charles “Tee” Rowe
President and CEO,
America's SBDC
LivePlan can really help small businesses get to the next level. [It] is all about helping them realize that goal.